It's November the 11th month of 2010!
Save 11% on orders placed now - through 11-25-2010 at midnight. Share our coupon with your friends, place it on your blog, post it on facebook or your twitter page.It's super simple Just enter the code " PMG " and your savings will automatically be taken off any order over $75.00. Coupon can not be used on any previous purchases and is for the amount of $75.00 before shipping.
Offer Expires: 11-25-2010
We are just as excited as you guys are that the coolers days are here and Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are shortly arriving! Be sure to check out our Daily Deals Page. We will be updating it weekly with special savings for you. I know many of us have teacher gifts we need to start ordering as well as gifts for family and friends. Order early you'll be glad you did and save yourselves from forgetting something if you go ahead and work on a list while things are a little less stressful! Our Monogrammed Travel mugs and monogrammed aprons are always a #1 seller, and the monogrammed teacher totes or lunch bags. We always try to keep our prices the lowest to save you the most money! You'll find that we don't run sales very often because almost always we are always cheaper than our competitors and faster too. Please let us know if you need help making gift selections.
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